Frankfurt was a very huge airport. We even got to see a dinosaur on display.
It was overcast and dark when we arrive in Prague. Looks like it might rain. And it was cold. J-ME had to put on several layers of clothing. Guy on the other hand, loved it!
After getting our luggage, we went to get our rental car. Yeah! All was as we ordered it. No problems at all. In fact, it even comes with a built in GPS system. The guy at the counter said it has all of Europe in it- we shall see. After about 15 minutes we got it programmed to get us out of Prague and onwards towards Poland.
Prague was full of many cars at the time, but it was not rush hour. And Guy was very glad for that.
Once we left Prague, we started seeing roads and areas we know well. We are pretty close to where we will be in about 10 days to our Czech Shopping Tour.
We travel thru lovely countryside seeing part of Czech Paradise, field of the yellow flowers, farms and houses.
We find a little super market and buy some food for lunch. We love seeing all the different breads, cheeses, lunch meats and unusual things we do not have at home.
After about 1 hour, we arrive in Poland. Now the signs do not look like ones we recognize, nor can we understand what they say. We are hoping this GPS will help get us where we need to go.
Well, after about 10 minutes, we hit a road block. The road is closed due to road repairs. So we back track a bit and go down another road. It takes the gps some time to re-calculate how to get us at least to Warsaw. We start to get a bit concerned as it is not tracking us for awhile. We hope we are going the correct way, but at least we are together having an adventure.
Once it has us back on track, all is well again and we are feeling much better.
We noticed the first border town to look a bit in need of help, with many houses in decaying stages. They need some tender loving care and a lot of money to fix back up again.
Once we get about 10km away, the houses start to change. They are larger and well kept up with large barns and lovely sculptured or ornate fences. We are seeing some that we wish we could build on our property back home.
We stop for gas and try to figure out how to get the gas. The young woman inside was very friendly and helpful to us. After filling up with gas, at 5.24 zloty per litre (which equals $1.73 per litre or equal to $6.92 use per gallon) and armed with a cup of coffee, Guy is ready to go.
After traveling most of the day, we are getting tired from not much sleep on the plane. We decide to start looking for a restaurant and hotel.
We find a very nice hotel in Majkow, Poland. We are very lucky to find a nice hotel that it is $59 usd for a room for two single beds, including breakfast. They are sold out of rooms with double beds.
Oh, and Look at this- crystal beads on our door handle!
After unloading out suitcases and freshing up a bit, we go have our first Polish dinner. We had a chicken, potatoes, coleslaw, purple cabbage and sauerkraut. It was very tasty. Guy had his first Pilsner
The dining room has tables all set for a tea party which are placed upside down on the ceiling. I know a little Granddaughter who would just love this!
There was a even a lovely painting of a peasant woman painted right on the wall.
And then there was some lovely rock tile work and fountains in the dining room as well.
After dinner we take a little walk around outside to take a few photos of the hotel. The cold chased us back inside.
Off to finish this blog for the day and then to sleep for us.
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