Then off to a bead factory so Amanda could see production of beads on a small bead press and tumbler before hitting the stock room.
Some of the glass rods used to make the pressed beads.
Watch our video of machine pressing bead shapes by small cottage industry with one machine. The other machine is under repair right now.
Watch this video showing the tumbling of the beads. This helps get off the excess pieces of glass and makes the beads smooth.
Then a small antik shop where we all loaded up on good stuff - Amanda for the first time and us to add to our growing pile. Amanda also loved this store.
Before we even enter the store, Guy finds a pile of old beads and stuff dumped out by the drain pipe.
One tool J-Me was very excited about was the old bead spinner in good working condition. Our bus driver Petr from the first tour said his Oma, Grandmother used to string beads for a factory years ago with one of these tools. Everyone would sit around the front room (the room with the fire place) and socialize while she strung beads to supplement her income. So maybe J-ME will be using hers on day in our front room or her bead room.
Finally a small cottage industry lampwork factory to see production of figurines and purchase of beads and flowers. The owner said his biggest customer of lampwork beads is in China where they create jewelry to sell to the Arab Emirates.
Our tours are over for the year - until Hong Kong in October.
Now we go to explore Austria and more of…… You never know where we might end up in a few days.
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